Thursday, June 15, 2006

This is the story I wrote in response to the random question in my profile.

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

There once was a frog who everyday saw the farmer's son come down to the pond and scoop frogs out of the mud to play with them. The farmer's son had the most beautiful long hair that the frog had ever seen and the frog so wanted to be choosen by the boy, but he never was. To get the boy's attention, the frog collected bits of algae and grass and made himself a wig. "Now the boy will be sure to pick me!" the frog thought to himself. The frog waited patiently for the boy , and when he did finally come, the frog's little heart raced as the boy plucked him from the mud and held him gently in his hand.

As he flew through the air, the frog's mind was focused on all the good times he and the boy were going to have. Swimming, playing in the grass, eating flies, all thanks to his beautiful wig.